Mid-Ulster Computers (midulstercomputers)

We rename our brand from Mid-Ulster Computers to Hightecsolutions

High Tec Solutions is a local computer repair business serving Mid Ulster and its surrounding areas. Having been trading as Mid Ulster Computers for many years, high standards, technical know how and providing solutions for many home and business users are second nature. Whether you need your computer repairing, viruses removed, or a home/business network setting up, we have what you need at prices you can afford. Please feel free to browse our Web site for more information about HighTec Solutions. If you have any questions or would like to speak with a representative regarding our services, please e-mail at info@hightecsolutions.co.uk or call us on 028 796 34 990. At High Tec Solutions the customer is paramount. Midulstercomputers, Mid-Ulster Computers, Magherafelt, hightecsolutions, computer, magherafelt, computer store, pc help, computerproblem, computer problem, pc problem, BT, advanced systems, enhanced systems.


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OLD Address:

Mid-Ulster Computers
Telephone Exchange
37 Rainey Street

BT45 5AB
Telephone: 02879 634990
Fax: 02879 634992

Visit: www.hightecsolutions.co.uk

NEW Address:

High Tec Solutions
80 - 82 Rainey Street
BT45 5AJ

t: 02879634990
t: 02879634992

Opening hours:
MON 9am to 5.30pm
TUE 9am to 5.30pm
WED 9am to 5.30pm
THUR 9am to 9pm
FRI 9am to 9pm
SAT 9am to 5.30pm
Closed 1 - 1.30 pm each day for lunch